December 28, 2005

A weighty matter...

Caught the last half of the newest episode of Frontline tonight after finishing up Unleashed (review posted tomorrow). The Frontline dealt with comparing diets and exploring issues dealing with America's increasingly frightening weight problem. It's something that came to my attention most graphically a year or two ago when I saw Super Size Me down at the Esquire. The documentary got a lot of publicity because of the stunt from the filmmaker of eating McDonalds for thirty straight days. His health, of course, went into the toilet, but while showing what happened to him, he did a great job exploring the causes of and possible solutions to America's obesity epidemic.

This really is something that we each have to worry about for ourselves instead of thinking of things as a national problem. I'm going to try to get started and just, in fact, ordered a pair of pedometers from America on the Move, an organization that encourages people to become more active daily by counting the number of steps we each take. I might report here my starting conditions (might not) and see where I go from there.

At the moment, however, I'm trying to let some back pain suffered this past week heal before starting any kind of major exercise change. Maybe I'll just cut back on the Resses's Cups first...

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