July 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary to me!

I'm typing this up on July 17th (even though it'll be posted as though it was the 18th - hey, I'll be caught up tomorrow, shut up) which means that this is my realistic anniversary post. It's been a full year (four hundred twenty one posts) of spewing my craptacularly worthless miasma into the interweb, so that's gotta be worth something, right?

Feel free to celebrate in whatever sick and twisted way you think would be most appropriate.

A special thanks to those of you who have been reading since the beginning: Becky...um...and...well...there's...yeah...


calencoriel said...

it would certainly be remiss of me to not post a comment after that rousing bit of thanks...so congrats, big guy! I'm not going to sing "Wind Beneath my Wings" (ala Bette Midler/Johnny Carson)or anything...but there's been good, entertaining stuff here...it's worth the read, so keep up the good work. And...thanks for the links on global warming...it will prove nice fodder for my science students this fall when they write their IB required paper on global warming. I'm off to walk in 105 degrees at 8:20 am in Ohio...I'm thinking quite a few icebergs are gonna need to melt to change the temp down here this summer...

Joe G said...

Congratulations, Dusch-man. I always look forward to your posts. In many ways, I have sort of crawled into a cave since Quinn Anthony Boaz joined us. Your posts have been a source of joy, humour and distraction. In fact, your RSS feed has been on my netvibes homepage for some time now. Kudos to you, keep it up!

Stay sweet!


G-Rob said...


I can't believe it's been a year already. Wow! Time flies when you're havin' fun...and posting links to highly distracting and addictive websites...and making me wish I hadn't even checked to see the latest updates on IDTMI in the first place.

Why am I even here?! For the love of all that is holy!

Happy fricking anniversary, you harbinger of all things evil. ARGH!

Now I have to go read more of those darn Perry Bible Fellowship cartoons! Curse you, Lonnie Dusch.

G-Rob said...
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PHSChemGuy said...

The outpouring of love is nearly overwhelming, folks.

Glad to know that I can provide at least moderate levels of entertainment for you whether you're local or distant.

And do enjoy the Perry Bible Fellowship, G. They won't be making an appearance on this blog 'cause of folks like Ruff Ryder.

Not that I mind having ya around, J-Ged.

Here's to another year of craptacular and pointless interweb fun. If there's anything in particular that you'd like to see more of (games, cartoons, youtube theme days, movie reviews), give a holler.

And Googs, with three growing giants in the household, you're fully absolved of the lack of communication.

I don't know how you breeders walk around with those things.

Verifcation: okhpa

The thing at the zoo that's kind of like a zebra and kind of like a deer, right?

ame said...

gee without this log I might never know what is going on in your life. BTW tomorrow - thursday I am at mom's with leroy, gyps and nico. I prolly won;t be answering their phone (don't wanna be responsible for messages) so if ya wanna check on the boy call my cell. :) Love ya lon-du

PHSChemGuy said...

Always glad to have another on board, Carrot Tea.

Feel free to lurk away or start dropping in comments from time to time.