January 29, 2008

Cars bringing dogfood

The Gods Must be Tasty

Stay of Execution

Do enjoy today's brief taste of Truck Bearing Kibble, and feel free to take in a little more if you've got the time...


achilles3 said...

Both of these are brilliant!

DanEcht said...

I took in more, although I didn't really have the time for it...they're brilliant. Love "A Clockwork Green." Also, I found one of the cartoons that you were unable to link to directly before. Something to do with cereal, I believe.

calencoriel said...

That is a quality strip,Daniel...and it's updated daily - which is always nice.

PHSChemGuy said...

I'm really digging this comic. I do wish that they would have a little more frequent updating, but that's life. I'll take the quality over the quantity - as long as they've got an RSS feed.