July 2, 2008

You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness...in heaven above, or...the earth beneath, or...the water under the earth

Unless, that is, you've made a Talking Jesus Doll!. For just $19.95 (plus $7.95 shipping and handling - might I recommend the word of god in bulk as it were), you get a foot-tall Jesus who speaks a half dozen scriptures, though he thankfully avoids Exodus 20:4.

Ah, I do so love the smell of commerce in the morning - especially successful commerce.

Just don't try to donate Jesus to the a Christmas toy drive. That could cause a bit of a stir.


calencoriel said...

If you're going to make a talking Jesus doll, it should be able to answer the big questions like, "Why are we here?" "What is the meaning of life?" "Where do we go when we die?" "What was the deal with Katrina?" "Seriously, an earthquake that killed little Chinese kids while they were at school? What was up with that?"

I could, obviously, go on...find me that doll and I'm buying.

calencoriel said...

Oh hey, and do their clothes come off? Because I'm thinking naked Jesus or naked Mary is just...well...I mean...that just shouldn't happen.

And if you have kids or remember being one, that's the first thing that happens with a new doll...you gotta take its clothes off...

ReJEcht said...

Can you make the Jesus dolls fight Superman? If Superman won, what would the implications be? Do they sell Methusalah action figures?